
延續移民子女在英國學習中文機會 留意提供免費中文課程的英國公立中學名單

不少準備帶孩子到英國移民的家長,其中一個考慮,或也許是憂慮,就是年幼的孩子,特別是仍處於小學階段,應該在港讀完幾年級才轉到英國讀書呢?因為到了英國之後,就沒有學習中文的機會,所以希望在香港小學打好中文基礎後,才搬過去。 畢竟中國人不懂中文是有點可惜,而且多一種語言作為競爭力也是必然的。不少香港畢業生在英國,都是靠兩文三語作的優勢,作為找工作的競爭力。




其實英國政府教育部,早在2013年已定下英國小學課程由三年級開始,必須修讀一課現代外國語言(Modern foreign language MFL),如歐洲語言如法文、德文、意大利文等等。但考慮到中文在現今世界已俱影響力的趨勢,基於這個原因,英國政府已在2016年將漢語納入國民教育體系,在當地中、小學開始作試㸃,引進有系統地學習中文課程,並且建立中學的中文GCSE的文憑考試標準。


這個引進是通過國家級倫敦大學教育研究院及北京大學合作,共同定下英國當地課程內容及基準。課程是以說普通話及寫簡體字為中文內容,以一個名為Mandarin Excellence 的項目,推動到英國本地公立學校學校執行。經過這幾年的發展,英國全國現在有150間公立小學及64間公立中學,現超過三千名英籍學生在有系統地學習中文。中學從七年級開始,學生每週要學習8個小時的中文-四個教學小時和四個小時的自學時間。單在2018學年就有三千五百名英籍同學,考獲GCSE中文科文憑試,人數亦逐年增長。


比較過香港及英國文憑試的中文卷,在英國學校學中文,程度確是比香港淺。所以在香港讀完小學後,在英國應付中文學習應綽綽有餘了。準備帶子女的父母,希望子女能延續學習中文的話,應該會對這64間公立學校感興趣,特別在倫敦或英國東、西南部的學校,例如Kent, Bath, Reading , Essex, Sussex 等等地區。但注意既然是免費公立學校,就未必位於高貴地區,生活環境配套未必合乎個別理想,但這些大部份都是優質公立中學,以校網區地址及11+ 考試成績申請。有興趣家長,請看以下網址,並可盡早參考及策劃,延續子女在英國學習中文的機會。






Mandarin Excellence Participating State Secondary Schools




Alexandra Park School
Bidwell Gardens, London N11 2AZ
Email: admin@apsch.org.uk
Tel: 020 8826 4880
School Website: www.alexandrapark.school/


Central Foundation Boys’ School
Cowper Street, London, EC2A 4SH
Email: info@cfbs.islington.sch.uk
Tel: 020 72533741
School Website: http://www.centralfoundationboys.co.uk/


Christ College Finchley
East End Road, Finchley, London N2 0SE
Email: info@ccfplus.com
Tel: 020 8349 3581
School website: www.christscollegefinchley.org.uk


Evelyn Grace Academy
255 Shakespeare Road, London SE24 0Q
Email: info@evelyngraceacademy.org
Tel: 020 7737 9520
School website: www.evelyngraceacademy.org


Fortismere School
Tetherdown, Muswell Hill, London N10 1NE
Email: office@fortismere.org.uk
Tel: 020 8365 4400
School Website: https://www.fortismere.haringey.sch.uk/


Greig City Academy
High Street, Hornsey, London, N8 7NU
Email: enquiries@greigcityacademy.co.uk
Tel: 020 8609 0100
School Website: http://www.greigcityacademy.co.uk/


Gumley House Convent High School
Saint John’s Road, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 6XF
Email: general@gumley.hounslow.sch.uk
Tel: 020 8568 8692
School Website: https://www.gumleyhouse.com/


Hurlingham Academy
Peterborough Road, Fulham, London, SW6 3ED
Tel: (020 ) 77312581
School Website: https://www.thehurlinghamacademy.org.uk


International Academy of Greenwich
21 Meadowcourt Road, Lee, London, SE3 9DU
Tel: (02030) 960781
School Website: www.iaog.org.uk


Kingsford Community School
Kingsford Way, Becton, London, E6 5JG
Email: info@kingsford.newham.sch.uk
Tel: 020 7476 4700
School Website: www.kingsfordschool.org.uk


Lambeth Academy
Elms Road, Clapham London SW4 9ET
Email: admin@lambeth-academy.org
Tel: 020 7819 4700
School website: www.lambeth-academy.org


Lister Community School
Elms Road, Clapham London SW4 9ET
Email: enquiries@lister.newham.sch.uk
Tel: 020 8471 3311
School website: http://www.lister.newham.sch.uk


Pinner High School
Beaulieu Drive, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 1NB
Tel: (020) 30960769
School Website: https://www.pinnerhighschool.org/


St Joseph’s College
Beulah Hill, London SE19 3HL
Email: admin@sjc.ac
Tel: 020 8761 1426
School Website: www.stjosephscollege.org.uk


St Mary Magdalene Academy
Liverpool Road, London, N7 8PG
Email: firstcontact@smmacademy.org
Tel: 020 7697 0123
School Website: www.smmacademy.org


The Elmgreen School
Elmcourt Road, West Norwood, London, SE27 9BZ
Email: admin@the-elmgreen-school.org.uk
Tel: 020 8766 5020
School Website: https://www.the-elmgreen-school.org.uk


The Grey Court School
Ham Street, Richmond, Greater London, TW10 7HN
Email: office@greycourt.org.uk
Tel: 020 8948 1173
School Website: http://www.greycourt.richmond.sch.uk


UCL Academy
Adelaide Road, London NW3 3AQ
Email: enquiries@uclacademy.co.uk
Tel: 020 7449 3080
School website: www.uclacademy.co.uk



South East Region


Bay House School
Gomer Lane, Alverstoke, Gosport PO12 2QP
Email: Contact via website
Tel: 023 9258 7931
School website: www.bayhouse.hants.sch.uk


Becket Keys Church of England School
Sawyers Hall Lane, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 9DA
Tel: (01277) 286600
School Website: https://www.becketkeys.org/


Beths Grammar School
Hartford Road, Bexley, Kent, DA5 1NE
Email: admin@beths.bexley.sch.uk
Tel: 013 2255 6538
School Website: www.beths.bexley.sch.uk


Bohunt School
Longmoor Road, Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7NY
Email: enquiries@bohunt.hants.sch.uk
Tel: 014 2872 4324
School Website: www.bohunt.hants.sch.uk


Bohunt School Worthing
65A Broadwater Road, Worthing BN14 8AH
Email: info@bohuntworthing.com
Tel: 019 0360 1361
School website: www.bohuntworthing.com


Brune Park School
Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3BU
Email: enquiries@brunepark.gfmat.org
Tel: 023 9261 6000
School Website: https://brunepark.gfmat.org


Dartford Grammar School
West Hill, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2HW
Email: info@dartfordgrammar.kent.sch.uk
Tel: 01322 223039
School Website: www.dartfordgrammarschool.org.uk


Didcot Girls’ School
Manor Cresent, Didcot OX11 7AJ
Email: head.4139@didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk
Tel: 012 3581 2092
School website: www.didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk


Highdown School
Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading RG4 8LR
Email: office@highdown.reading.sch.uk
Tel: 011 8901 5800
School website: www.highdown.reading.sch.uk


Homewood School & Sixth Form Centre
Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LT
Email: info@homewood.kent.sch.uk
Tel: 01580 764222
School Website: www.homewood-school.co.uk


Hove Park
Nevill Road, Hove BN3 7BN
Email: office@hovepark.org.uk
Tel: 012 7329 5000
School website: www.hovepark.brighton-hove.sch.uk


Mayfield Grammar School
Pelham Road, Gravesend, Kent DA11 0JE
Email: enquiries@mgsg.kent.sch.uk
Tel: 014 7435 2896
School website: www.mgsg.kent.sch.uk


The Petersfield School
Cranford Road, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3LU
Tel: (01730) 263119
School Website: https://www.petersfieldschool.com/


Ratton School
Park Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2XR
Tel: (01323) 504011
School Website: http://www.ratton.e-sussex.sch.uk/


Reading School
Erleigh Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5LW
Email: secretary@reading-school.co.uk
Tel: 01189 015 600
School Website: https://www.reading-school.co.uk


St Birinus School
Mereland Road, Didcot, OX11 8AZ
Email: stbirinus@st-birinus.oxon.sch.uk
Tel: 01235 814 444
School Website: http://www.st-birinus-school.org.uk


St Catherine’s College
Priory Road, Eastbourne BN23 7BL
Email: admin@stcatherines.college
Tel: 013 2346 5400
School website: www.stcatherines.college


Stantonbury Campus
Stantonbury Roundabout, Stantonbury, Milton Keynes, MK14 6BN
Email: enquiries@stantonbury.org.uk
Tel: 01908 324 400
School Website: http://www.stantonbury-gst.org/


Wilmington Grammar School for Girls
Parsons Lane, Wilmington, Kent, DA2 7BB
Email: enquiries@wgsg.co.uk
Tel: 013 2222 6351
School website: www.gsgw.org.uk


Woking High School
Morton Road, Horsell, Woking, Surrey, GU21 4TJ
Email: info@wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk
Tel: 01483 888 447
School Website: http://www.wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk/



East Region


Anglo European School
Anglo European School, Willow Green, Ingatestone CM4 0DJ
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Tel: 012 7735 4018
School Website: www.aesessex.co.uk


Melbourn Village College
The Moor, Melbourn, Royston, Cambridgeshire SG8 6EF
Email: office@melbournvc.org
Tel: 017 6322 3400
School website: www.melbournvc.org


The Sweyne Park School
Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9BZ
Email: admin@sweynepark.com
Tel: 01268 784721
School Website: http://sweynepark.com/


South West Region


Clevedon School
Valley Rd, Clevedon BS21 6AH
Tel: 01275 876744
School website: https://www.clevedonschool.org.uk/


Colyton Grammar School
Whitwell Lane, Colyford, Colyton, EX24 6HN
Tel: (01297) 552327
School Website: https://www.colytongrammar.com


Pate’s Grammar School Cheltenham
Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 0HG
Email: office@patesgs.org
Tel: 01242 523 169
School Website: http://www.patesgs.org


St Gregory’s Catholic College
Combe Hay Lane, Bath, BA2 8PA
Email: stgregorys_sec@bathnes.gov.uk 
Tel: 01225 832873
School website: www.st-gregorys.org.uk


The Woodroffe School 
Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis, DT7 3LX
Email: office@woodroffe.dorset.sch.uk
Tel: 01297 442 232
School Website: http://www.woodroffe.dorset.sch.uk


Midlands Region


Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
Lichfield Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 2NH
Tel: 0121 250 5400
School Website: http://bvgs.co.uk


Beauchamp College
Ridge Way, Oadby, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 5TP
Email: info@beauchamp.org.uk 
Tel: 0116 2729100
School Website: http://www.beauchamp.org.uk/


Christopher Whitehead Language College
Bromwich Rd, Worcester WR2 4AF
Email: office@christopherwhitehead.worcs.sch.uk
Tel: 019 0542 3906
School website: www.christopherwhitehead.co.uk


De Lisle College
Thorpe Hill, Loughborough, LE11 4SQ
Tel: (01509) 268739
School Website: https://www.delisle.org.uk/


Finham Park School
Green Lane, Coventry, CV3 6EA
Email: contact@finhampark.co.uk
Tel: 024 7641 8135
School Website: www.finhampark.co.uk


Finham Park 2
Torrington Ave, Coventry CV4 9WT
Email: d.campbell@finhampark2.co.uk
Tel: 024 7771 0720
School website: www.finhampark2.co.uk


Lyng Hall
Blackberry Lane, Coventry CV2 3JS
Tel: 024 7672 4960
School website: www.lynghallschool.co.uk


Old Swinford Hospital School
Heath Lane, Stourbridge, DY8 1QX
Email: reception@oshsch.com
Tel: 01384 817 300
School Website: https://www.oshsch.com


Queen Mary’s Grammar School
Sutton Road, Walsall, West Midlands, WS1 2PG
email: postbox@qmgs.walsall.sch.uk
Tel: 019 2272 0696
School Website: www.qmgs.walsall.sch.uk


Queen Mary’s High School
Upper Forster Street, Walsall WS4 2AE
Email: qmarys@qmhs.org.uk
Tel: 019 2272 1013
School website: www.qmhs.org.uk


Rugby Free School
Anderson Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5PE
Email: info@rugbyfreesecondary.co.uk
Tel: 01788 222 060
School Website: https://rugbyfreesecondary.co.uk


West Coventry Academy
Nutbrook Avenue, Coventry, CV4 9PW
Email: info@westcoventryacademy.org
Tel: 024 7642 6200
School Website: http://www.westcoventryacademy.org


Woodrush School
Shawhurst Lane, Hollywood, Birmingham, B47 5JW
Email: office@woodrushhigh.worcs.sch.uk
Tel: 01564 823 777
School Website: https://www.woodrushhigh.worcs.sch.uk

North East Region


Ingleby Manor Free School
Welwyn Road, Ingleby Barwick, Stockton-on-Tees TS17 0FA
Email: info@inglebymanorschool.org.uk
Tel: 016 4235 2450
School website: www.inglebymanorschool.org.uk


St Joseph’s Catholic Academy Hebburn
Mill Lane, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear, NE31 2ET
Email: office@stjosephs.uk.net
Tel: 0191 428 2700
School Website: http://www.stjosephs.uk.net


St Wilfrid’s Rc College
Temple Park Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE34 0PH
Email: admin@st-wilfrids.org
Tel: 0191 456 9121
School Website: http://www.st-wilfrids.org


St Bede’s Catholic Comprehensive School
Westway, Peterlee, SR8 1DE
Email: stbedes@stbedes.durham.sch.uk
Tel: 0191 587 6220
School Website: http://www.st-bedes.durham.sch.uk


Yorkshire and the Humber Region


Astrea Academy Sheffield
Andover Street, Sheffield, S 3 9BE
Tel: (0114 ) 45539110
School Website: https://astreasheffield.org


Horsforth School
Lee Lane East, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5RF
Tel: (0113 ) 2265454
School Website: www.horsforthschool.org


Pudsey Grangefield School
Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Tel: (0113 ) 2361107
School Website: www.pudseygrangefield.co.uk


North West Region


All Hallows Catholic College
Brooklands Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8LB
Email: office@allhallows.org.uk
Tel: 016 2542 6138
School website: www.allhallows.org.uk


Calday Grange Grammar
Grammar School Lane, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH48 8GG
Email: theschool@calday.co.uk
Tel: 0151 625 2727
School Website: https://www.caldaygrangegrammarschool.co.uk


Cowley International College
Hard Lane, Saint Helens, WA10 6PN
Email: cowley@sthelens.org.uk
Tel: 017 4467 8030
School website: www.cowley.st-helens.sch.uk


Didsbury High School
4 The Avenue, Manchester, M 20 2ET
Tel: (0161) 507 5600
School Website: https://www.didsburyhighschool.org.uk


Ripley St Thomas CE Academy
Ashton Road, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 4RS
Email: admin@ripley.lancs.sch.uk
Tel: 01524 64496
School Website: http://ripleystthomas.com


Shevington High School
Shevington, Wigan WN6 8AB
Email: enquiries@shevingtonhigh.org.uk
Tel: 012 5740 0990
School website: www.shevingtonhigh.org.uk


St John Plessington College
Old Chester Road, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 7LF
Email: schooloffice@stjohnplessington.com
Tel: 0151 645 5049
School Website: https://www.stjohnplessington.com


The Crossley Heath School
Savile Park, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0HG
Email: admin@crossleyheath.org.uk
Tel: 014 2236 0272
School website: www.crossleyheath.org.uk


Tytherington School
Manchester Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2EE
Email: info@tytheringtonschool.co.uk
Tel: (01625) 610220
School Website: http://www.tytheringtonschool.co.uk


Upton Hall School FCJ
Upton, Wirral, CH49 6LJ
Email: uhs@uptonhall.wirral.sch.uk
Tel: 015 1677 7696
School Website: www.uptonhallschool.co.uk


South West Region


Clevedon School
Valley Rd, Clevedon BS21 6AH
Tel: 01275 876744
School website: https://www.clevedonschool.org.uk/


Colyton Grammar School
Whitwell Lane, Colyford, Colyton, EX24 6HN
Tel: (01297) 552327
School Website: https://www.colytongrammar.com


Pate’s Grammar School Cheltenham
Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 0HG
Email: office@patesgs.org
Tel: 01242 523 169
School Website: http://www.patesgs.org


St Gregory’s Catholic College
Combe Hay Lane, Bath, BA2 8PA
Email: stgregorys_sec@bathnes.gov.uk 
Tel: 01225 832873
School website: www.st-gregorys.org.uk


The Woodroffe School 
Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis, DT7 3LX
Email: office@woodroffe.dorset.sch.uk
Tel: 01297 442 232
School Website: http://www.woodroffe.dorset.sch.uk


移民英國升學新書推介 陳筱芬教育博士著作 《移居英國升讀公立學校全攻略》



香港第一本英國公立學校升學天書  BNO 5+1 家長移居英國前必讀


一聲「BNO 5+1」移居英國政策宣布推出後,BNO護照持有人子女有望進入英國公立學校,接受其免費教育,這觸發了更多BNO護照家長準備未來帶同子女移居英國留學的打算。但大部分香港BNO家長對英國並不熟悉,甚至從未踏足過英倫,對於尋找公立學校茫無頭緒,陷入一片迷惘中。僅在過去的幾個月,我收到了大量來自BNO父母有關英國公立學校的詢問,我希望能幫助他們解決他們的疑問。










‧如何申請升讀公立中學文法學校Grammar School







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《劃出生涯路》 生涯規劃 - 職業性向探索系列
STEM 創科教育之升學路
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創科年代的 Graduate Trainee
由傳統小學走進國際學校 港生大變身
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