Core Courses (25 units) - Advanced Spreadsheets and Decision Support Systems** (3 units)
- Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 units)
- Applied Time Series (3 units)
- Big Data Analytics and Visualisation (2 units)
- Business Statistics with Python (3 units)
- Machine Learning and Forecasting (3 units)
- Prescriptive Analytics for Decision Making (3 units)
- Regression Analysis (2 units)
- Simulation Modelling** (3 units)
Elective Courses# (9 units) - Actuarial Statistics (3 units)
- Advanced Operational Research (3 units)
- Data Analytics with Programming (3 units)
- Derivatives (3 units)
- Managing Organisational Performance (3 units)
- Network and Project Management (3 units)
- Quantitative Models for Marketing (3 units)
- Risk and Portfolio Management (3 units)
- Survey Sampling and Experimental Design (3 units)
- Techniques of Production Operations Management (3 units)
- Work-based Learning (3 units)
MSc Dissertation Project (6 units) - Dissertation I (3 units)
- Dissertation II (3 units)
The medium of instruction for all the courses is English. All teaching and learning materials are in English. **The course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes. #Not all the courses below are opened in each year. |