Royal High School
School Name: | Royal High School |
Location: | Lansdown Road, Bath, Bath and North East, Somerset, BA1 5SZ, United Kingdom |
Founded Year: | 1998 |
Religion: | Inter-denominational |
Type: | Girls |
Boarding Age: | 10-18 |
Year Group: | Year 6 - Year 13 |
No. of Students: | 680 |
No. of Boarders: | 120 |
School Facilities: There are sports facilities on the Lansdown site and at the nearby Churchill fi elds on Lansdown as follows: A new Astroturf allweather pitch; Tennis courts; Netball courts; Outdoor swimming pool; Land for athletics, football, rounders; Indoor sport facilities for dance, judo, gymnastics. |
Entry Requirement: Entrance assessment- English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning Test; and Interview |
Sixth Form Entry Requirement: Enty is dependent on a minimum of six GCSE’s at A*-B grades (or equivalent qualifi cations) and candidates are expected to achieve grades A or A* in subjects that they wish to study at A Level or IB. Candidate will need a minimum of a C Grade in both English and Mathematics. |
Contact Details |
Director of Admissions: Lynda Bevan |
Address: Lansdown Road, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, BA1 5SZ, United Kingdom |
Telephone: +44 (0)1225 313877 |
Email: royalhigh@rhsb.gdst.net |
Web: http://www.royalhighbath.gdst.net |

The School
- The Royal High School, Bath is fast becoming a school of choice for boarding and day girls aged 3 to 18. Recognised for outstanding educational achievements, excellent facilities and enriching extracurricular activities
- It offers the International Baccalaureate as well as A-levels at our Sixth Form College
- It regularly comes near the top of league tables for Bath schools for GCSE and A-Level results.
- The school's music department has several choirs, an orchestra, a wind band, and a swing band which competes in regional competitions.
- A level - well over 50% A*/A and 84% A*/B; IB - Exceptionally high average 40 point score and 55% gain 40 points or more, way over the IB global average point score of 30. One student scores a world beating maximum 45/45 points. 100% Oxbridge application success.
- Overall, 85% are off to their chosen university.
- Please contact the Admission Offi ce directly by email, by post or visit the School website for latest information.
Boarding Houses
- Boarding is part of the personality of the school.
- There’s always something happening and life is as busy and as buzzy as it is anywhere else in the school - 24/7 friendships, easy access to teachers and supportive House teams, academic resources, sports and social facilities, the chance to really be yourself and, lots of tea and cakes. Rules and regulations are there to ensure that everyone is safe and behaves appropriately towards everyone else, but knowing the boundaries and learning the give and take of living together is all part of the experience.
- The only Sixth Form College in Bath to offer the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma, which this year, saw outstanding results. The IB is a vital and integral part of our broad Sixth Form offer, as an alternative study pathway for Years 12 and 13. Whether girls are studying the IB or A levels, they are all part of one big vibrant, highly successful international learning community.
GCSE Subjects
- Art, Art History, Biology, Chemistry, Classic, Design and Technology, Economics, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern languages, Physics, Science school, Music, Theology
GCE AL Subject Choice
- Art and Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Drama and Theatre Studies, English Literature, French, Geography, German, History, Latin, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education (PE), Physics, Product Design, Psychology, Religious Studies and Sociology
2012/13 Boarding Fees# (GBP£) Per Term (3 Terms Per Year)
Y4 | Y6 | Y7 | Y9 | Y10 | Y12 |
Y5 | Y8 | Y11 | Y13 | ||
- | - | 7,702 | 7,813 | 7,813 | 8,095 |
Remark: #Inclusive of tuition fees but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities